Drainage ditch

We’ve always had a garden in our wall by our pool, but dirt keeps washing out of it. Two obvious reasons as to why…1.) Lack of drainage and 2.) A downspout drains directly to the garden.

Thankfully, I knew exactly where the drain was at that I put in last year. After some careful digging, I found it and was able to add a Y. I really lucked out that the power conduit that is next to the existing drain was on the far side…exactly where I needed it to be.

I used 4″ perforated drainage. Except Lowe’s only had one in stock, so I had to create one by drilling holes into it. The full length is then covered with a sock to keep crud out. 20′ of perforated plus a 10′ connector to the main drain = lots of dirt to move.

Here is the finished product.

 Flowers have been purchased. We just need some time and good weather to plant them.

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